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D4L Analyze

Analyze real-world Healthdata to generate insights and drive evidence-based medicine.

Health Data Analytics Suite
Transform your research journey with our one stop platform – D4L Analyze. ⁤⁤Explore existing datasets, create custom cohorts, and run analyses seamlessly. ⁤⁤Designed for working with real-world data, D4L Analyze supports you in uncovering valuable insights for personalized patient care, offering early diagnosis, disease progression predictions, and therapeutic response assessments. ⁤

Together, D4L Integrate and D4L Analyze form the Data2Evidence Platform, an end-to-end solution for effectively managing medical research data. Sign up here for a publicly available Data2Evidence demo.

Benefits of D4L Analyze at a glance

Interactively discover and explore datasets

Make an initial assessment of the dataset by browsing through aggregate values, demographic distributions and disease prevalences with the interactive data exploration tool.

Ensure the quality of your research data

Run data quality checks for individual cohorts, ensuring that each subset of the data you use is of sufficient quality for your analysis.

Intuitively create cohorts for your analysis

Conveniently create and manage cohorts with a visual interface and no coding knowledge required.

Perform basic and advanced analyses in one platform

Use interactive notebooks to run your basic analyses using Python and R directly on the dataset online or integrate with an external computing cluster.

Collaborate on the analysis of data

Easily conduct your entire analysis in collaboration with other researchers.

D4L Analyze in action

Improving patient care by advancing biomedical research in digital health and artificial intelligence.

Data4Life contributes to the AI ready platform at Mount Sinai (AIR·MS), giving researchers access to vast datasets across the Mount Sinai Health System

More about AIR·MS

Want to know more about D4L Analyze?

Book a demo session with us.


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Digital solutions for a healthier world.